Advice and Support A-Z list

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Archaeological remnants conservation 

Architectural history research 

Archival research 

Conservation concept preparation 

Cost estimate of conservation projects 

Damage/Decay analyses 

Decorative timber elements conservation 

Dismantling (code system development) 

Documentation techniques 

Education in conservation 

Environmental monitoring systems 

Fire risks in historic buildings 

Fresco and secco conservation 

Furniture conservation 

Glass conservation 

Glazed tile conservation 

Gold gilded surfaces conservation 

Ground conditions investigations 

Health and safety in conservation projects 

Historic landscapes protection 

Horasan plasters conservation 


Interim payment report preparation 

Maintenance of historic buildings 

Management of conservation projects 

Marmorino plasters conservation 

Metal elements conservation 

Metal elements physical and mechanical properties identification 

Metal window frames conservation 

Mosaic conservation 

Overpaint removal 

Paint preparation and application 

Paint stratigraphy and paint analysis 

Painted surfaces conservation 

Photogrammetric survey 

Pigment identification 

Plumbing and instalment in historic buildings 

Preventive conservation 

Public procurement legal system 


Roman cement plasters conservation 

Silver gilded surfaces conservation 

Stone conservation 

Stone- laboratory analyses 

Storage systems design 

Structural analysis and modelling 

Structural improvement projects of historic buildings 

Structural monitoring of historic buildings 

Structural restoration of historic buildings 

Stucco (gypsum, composite, etc.) elements conservation 

Tender documents preparation 

Textile conservation 

Timber parquet conservation 

Timber structural elements conservation 

Timber windows and doors conservation 


Varnished surfaces conservation 

Waxed surfaces conservation 

Wood anatomy